With all you have to manage day to day, the last thing you need is to worry about whether your insurance program is running on empty. You want an insurance agency that understands what you do and how to protect your business with policies that are affordable and secure. Every garage is different and at Parker Agency your garage will be treated with the personalized attention that you deserve. With your garage in mind, we have close relationships with multiple A-rated insurance companies who have built-in specialized coverages that give you peace of mind so you can concentrate on driving success.
We pride ourselves in our exemplary record of responsiveness. Time is crucial and communication is key. Our customers can trust us to be there for them when they need us. Some of the important coverages that garages should review with us due to the coverages often times being incorrect or insufficient are as follows:
Tools and equipment- So often, we as an agency see garages grossly underinsured in this coverage area. Part of our commitment to our garages is to ensure that they are covered properly. By utilizing our business personal property processes checklist and coverage aggregator we will help you feel secure that if a claim occurs, you will be paid the amount that you need to replace your tools and equipment.
Garagekeepers coverage- This coverage provides a limit for physical damage to your customer’s vehicles while in your care, custody and control. For example, a tree falls onto your lot and lands on nine cars at once severely damaging each vehicle. Are you covered? How are you covered? Did you know that vehicles in your lot waiting to be worked on should be included in this limit? Did you know that the premium for this coverage is often times one of the most inexpensive premiums within your total garage policy?
Employee Tools- Do you own all of the tools in your shop or do your employees? If there were a total loss at your location, what policy is covering your employee’s tools? Often times, garage policies do not have coverage for employee tools unless it is specifically added to the policy.
Workers compensation- Does your current workers compensation policy have a dividend program? If not, contact us today to find out if you are eligible to significantly reduce the premium for your workers compensation policy.
Contact us today to find out more about our competitive programs!